CIFF47: PSQ March 22 – April 1, 2023 | Streams April 2 – April 9, 2023

(A Reszleg)

Year: 1994
Country: Hungary/Romania
Run Time: 85 minutes


Honor or unimaginable horror? Gizella, an attractive, divorced engineer, is the first woman of her company assigned a vague supervisory job at a field site. Her train steams from the city into a countryside of mud roads and mountains. A filthy coal settlement marks the end of civilization - but not Gizella's destination. A lonely hand-car track leads her ever farther outward into the icy wastes. Men escorting her treat the newcomer with lust, scorn, anger, and finally pity, and strip her of all her possessions, even the labels of her clothes. She begins to seem more prisoner than overseer. And the outpost is still not in sight . . . Textured and foreboding, this powerfully allegory introduces world audiences to Mari Nagy, one of Hungary's most prominent stage actresses, as a heroine whose hopeful determination is her only weapon in a voyage into the very heart of bleakness. In Hungarian with English subtitles.

- Charles Cassady

Adam Bodor, Peter Gothar (based on the short story by Adam Bodor)

Peter Gothar

Sandor Simo, Sandor Szonyig

Vivi Dragan Vasile

Peter Timar, Eszter Marjoros

Principal Cast
Mari Nagy, Jozset Szarvas, Valentin Teodosiu, Misu Dimvale

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