Year: 2004
United States
Run Time:
78 minutes
Culture-jamming, guerrilla artist, Ron English has ?liberated? many a billboard with his own ideas of what the public should see. Creatively sniping at cigarette companies and ?erasing? other ads with stark political statements, Ron English honed his illegal actions using only paper, wallpaper paste, a ladder, a sweep broom and friends. His earlier creations were mostly black and white text with simple messages, such as this homage to John Lennon and Yoko Ono: JIHAD IS OVER! (If You Want It!). He later began using his illustration skills to mix text and image to sneer at Joe Camel, for instance, all the while watching out for the cops. This doc weaves old footage of Ron, interviews with him and his wife, and new actions he?s still doing. Of course, the art market came snooping around, and got English to make work to hang legally on gallery walls. As his wife says, bills must be paid. An interesting look at politically and socially conscious art and what can happen to it and its makers.
Pedro Carvajal
Pedro Carvajal
Pedro Carvajal
Pedro Carvajal
Kevin Chapados
Principal Cast
Ron English, Shepard Fairey, ArtFux, Cicada, Anthony Ausgang
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